This hurts my heart so much. I am infuriated that there are no answers and that these people's lives have been turned upside down and that families have been torn apart...where are the children? I have often wondered this. There are soooo many loose ends and things that just don't add up or make any sense from this "Lahaina Fires" story. Do you know if it is true that the area around this "burned area" is still hidden from the public? Are there still law enforcement stopping anyone from investigating?
So much wrong. No justice for the people. No justice to find and bring in the perpetrators - who ever they are. Are they even looking for them?
Thank you for your comment . United We Stand has never meant so much.
This hurts my heart so much. I am infuriated that there are no answers and that these people's lives have been turned upside down and that families have been torn apart...where are the children? I have often wondered this. There are soooo many loose ends and things that just don't add up or make any sense from this "Lahaina Fires" story. Do you know if it is true that the area around this "burned area" is still hidden from the public? Are there still law enforcement stopping anyone from investigating?