The People of Lahaina Are Still Screaming for Help and No One is Helping Them
Americans Have Forgotton About The Attack On Maui- And the Missing Children
On August 7 2023 the residents of Maui noticed the air was ‘ coated’ with ]]something … strange. Was it chem-trailed with an accelerant? On August 8th the attack began. It appears that fires were set in different places on Maui to divert the firefighters to put those out. And it was reported they had.
Then suddenly somehow the fires reignited. Very suddenly. One lady Ann Williams could not even get into her car, her key broke trying to put it in the door to unlock it. Was it soft from the radiation hitting the area? Radiation affects metal the most. She barely escaped but did out the north route. She said it was “smooth sailing’ driving out, no downed power lines- and she escaped. When she came back to that exit route to look for friends she found it blocked by the police trapping people to be incinerated in their cars, and they were. Ann Williams testfies she escaped then others were prevented and perished.
Shelby Hosana lives on Maui and in an interview on the Last American Vagabond reports that she knows of a “man who pulled out of the water nine children who were deceased and another man who pulled out 100 bodies by himself”. The count of missing children was at 2000 then suddenly all were accounted for. How can that be? What happend to those children AND their parents? She reports “whole families were vaporized”, do they not have to account for them?” Not even bones were left from those incinerated by the DEW in their cars.
The same thing happened in Paradise CA. As it did in the 911 attack- 1500 people were never accounted for.. not even DNA. Turned to dust. Dr. Judy Wood believed a DEW was used then as well. Vehicles way down the street from the Twin Towers were incinerated and look the exact same as those in Lahaina, and at every other incineration site that Forensic Arborist Robert Brame has investigated with over 120 trips to over 35 different sites in California. And as on 911 the victims famlies were paid off and forced to sign a gag order to promise never to seek justice. Governor Green offering one million dollars to familes who lost a loved one if they shut up and never seek Justice. Murders bribed away from Justice-silenced, unspoken of. Are you okay with this folks? Would you take the bribe money? A million dollars ? It is something to think about yes? I think only one 911 family refused the bribe. A million dollars would really help, but to shut up about their children’s murder? What would Jesus do?
Many of the families who lost their homes had lived there since before Hawaii was a state lost all their birthright and property rights documents- deliberately burnt up. Now when they apply for a new birth certificate and now ONLY digital, their race has been changed from Hawaiian to something else! How can they prove now they are Hawaiian and own their lands? Are you okay with this Americans? It could be you next. That is the agenda. The property owners are not allowed to return to their properties and not allowed to remove anything from their own property! The military is in charge of this! The military? Think about this! All the service people- ambulance drivers, police, firefighters, FEMA, EVERYONE had to sign a non-disclosure gag order. No press was allowed in. A very long block out black fence was put up to hide what-FEMA was doing. I’ll bet that had been preordered and ready to go for the serious cover up of this crime against humanity perpertrated by our own government on We the People. Even on 911 the press reported.
School busses were seen going somewhere. World famous researcher Ole Dammagard has been researching this important fact. He and his fellow researcher Max Igan found Google Earth photos of buses in an old field where there is a old concrete building with what looks like air-shafts. And a known place for child trafficking- people graffiti children’s names on it. When he went back to Google Earth to see the buses again parked there, that image had been sloppily altered and the buses were erased.
So much wrong. No justice for the people. No justice to find and bring in the perpetrators - who ever they are. Are they even looking for them?
This hurts my heart so much. I am infuriated that there are no answers and that these people's lives have been turned upside down and that families have been torn apart...where are the children? I have often wondered this. There are soooo many loose ends and things that just don't add up or make any sense from this "Lahaina Fires" story. Do you know if it is true that the area around this "burned area" is still hidden from the public? Are there still law enforcement stopping anyone from investigating?