This was just shared with me about the bases that house the weapons. Please watch to know about this. In Colorado Springs Shriver Airfare Base is a DEW base. A deep underground base. https://odysee.com/@BeAwareChannel:3/jfuufudydyduuduy:3

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Porcelain toilets take at least 3500 degrees F to melt. How hot to incinerate an iron wood stove? Or a furnace? Or stainless steel appliances to dust?

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Theses are stealth weapons.

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First these evil want to mine the gold. Now the other precious metals. They want/need the land - People and animals are a risk that must be removed without spoiling the land. Nukes would make them have the need to wait. This is a quicker solution for their needs/wants. Destroy all that is on the land, we need what lies beneath it.

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From this, we can further deduce and understand the race to Mars. So much Horse shite to the gen pub. VanAllen belts and all of that - We def ain't going to the OUTTER limits of space. and should one choose a cryo tank, you ain't coming back!

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Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!



Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.

Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.

Can't say this often enough!

It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!

KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.


This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.


Bless and thank you for doing what you do.

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Thank you very much for such an important comment. Totally agree. God Bless you.

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Three military brags about these weapons. The fact that they are so portable and virtually invisible when used makes them ideal for creating „“wildfires“.

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization 06:40 mins Between 1950 up until the 1980s, NATO had multiple unconstructed Nazis in control of multiple departments including several consecutive commanders of Central Europe. Historian Cynthia Chung in her book ‘The Empire on which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy’ noted that a vast, secret fascist army of Nazis and Italian fascist stay behinds were organized under NATO. These stay behinds were used to carry out assassinations of anti-imperial leaders including President J. K. Kennedy in 1963.

Crisis by design 1] Vincenzo Vinciguerra, Operation Gladio Interview 2015 | Although Operation Gladio was originally setup (advertised) as a counter balance against communism, their strategy, according to former operative Vincenzo Vinciguerra went much further than that.

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, far removed from the political arena. For one simple reason: to force the Italian public to turn to the state to ask for greater security... so people would willingly trade part of their freedom for security." 01:21 mins https://archive.org/details/vincenzo-vinciguerra-operation-gladio-interview

2] Multiple Newspaper clippings concerning Operation Gladio 1990


PDF https://dn720006.ca.archive.org/0/items/pdf-cache-of-operation-gladio/Gladio%20clippings_text.pdf

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v6c6qzg-five-eyes-nato-and-the-ugly-truth-of-csis.html [21:35 mins]

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Excellent information. Thank you very much.

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