Analyze This Photo: One of the First Taken on Jan. 9 2025 Palisades -LA Attack
Photo taken by Jeff Gritchen Orange County Register article " Palisades Fire From a 30 Foot Pole". Photos taken soon after the event. The road immediately blocked, he taped his camera to a pole.
Link to the original article with other interesting photos:
Assignment: You are a Physics Detective and are assigned this photo to analyze. But you must not use your knowledge of organic fires to do so.
You are instructed to use a different physics altogether - Microwave Radiation Physics to analyze the photo. Try it.
Then it makes sense. If you use your knowledge of only organic fires it does not make sense at all. And the most ridiculous comments or excuses have been suggested. The cognitive dissonance is really strong. So for the sake of argument use Microwave DEW physics .
I think that the cars on the left drove up that hill to be hit with a direct energy weapon beam that instantly incinerated them. Will we ever know who was in those cars? Nothing left at all. Were there babies strapped in? Probably. Look at the vegetation and trees on the left. Radiated dry but no sign of an organic fire. Nothing burnt up.
I think the cars on the right were the second batch of cars coming up that hill and came across the devastation of the first batch and the residual radiation heat still in the air cooking them and crashed to that other side of the street. Notice some tires are melted. No open doors. Cars in the middle crunched to tight to open a door. See the white car in the middle? No way the doors could open, I think there may be dead bodies in those cars.
There is an ambulance and two policemen and a police car that looks as it if just arrived on the scene.
It seems the ray of damaging energy light was more on the left side of the photo, the trees and brush are radiated dry. As opposed to the trees on the right side of the photo which are greener.
Notice that car engines are gone all paint is stripped uniformly, Wheel alloys melted in rivers on the pavement.
Here is the photo again without any captions. If you have the ability to enlarge yours, hone in on the cars on the right and see the melted tires and cars that do not appear to have been able to open their doors to escape. What do you think? Are there dead bodies in those cars that were recoverable ? Unlike the cars on the left side. Nothing left in those cars.
This is another of Jeff Gretchin’s photos from his 30 foot pole. It looks like a dusting of snow has fallen. Or a nuclear winter. Notice the eerie trees standing, wood-stoves, furnaces, stainless steel appliances were incinerated to white-silver dust. State Farm and other insurance companies had recently canceled policies for some owners. This is a terrorist attack on Los Angeles CA and a massive land grab just like Lahaina.
President Trump went to LA and when he got there he exclaimed “ This is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country. Something HIT here but we won’t talk about what hit will we? “ Here is the link to him saying this:
Robert Brame is a California Forensic Arborist and mountain climber and photographer. He has gone on over 125 investigations to more than 39 different fire aftermath sites in California. He has been interviewed by Peggy Hall on her Healthy American podcast from San Clemente CA. five times. She has extensive research into the fires and has a library on her Youtube channel.
Robert Brame 5th Interview Peggy Hall after the LA event click here to watch the report.
Please analyze the photo of Sunset Blvd and post your thoughts and observations. We can’t let this go without Justice. Thank you.
Please analyze the photo and post your observations and thoughts.