Analyze This Photo of Iconic Sunset Blvd. One of the First Photos Taken Jan. 9 2025 From a Camera Taped to a 30 Foot Pole. This Photo Tells a Horrific Story Doesn't It? A Totally Different Physics.
It's been since Lahaina since I've written. Los Angeles has been the victim of a Direct Energy Weapon Attack. It is obvious. The same pattern as Lahaina.
A picture may be worth a thousand words. If you run across someone who doesn't "believe in" directed energy "crap," send them this photo. Their task: to explain what happened to the cars on the left. what hit them, and why did it not hit the cars on the right? and how is it that whatever it was (so hot it melted car windows) did not burn the trees right beside the cars? Maybe it could be that directed energy "crap."
And in case they wonder where and when and how the photo was taken: Sunset Blvd, Jan 9, 2025, by a camera taped to a pole. -