From: Dane Wigington’s
“Was Hurricane Helene’s path From behavior just an act of nature? What do you think? Are networks of ground based frequency transmitters being utilized to manipulate and steer hurricanes? This video footage provides visual evidence of the interaction between ground based frequency transmitter installations and the path of Hurricane Helene.”
We the People of the United States of America are under attack. Geo-engineered storms, creating floods. Chemical spraying of our skies constantly with aluminum, barium, strontium, graphene oxide, bacteria as found in the fog that made people sick. And of course the Directed Energy Weapons used in conjunction with these technologies to burn people into SMART Cities.
HAARP Weather Warfare Machine is in Full Activation, Full Battle Mode. NORMAL CLOUDS vs HAARP
One state, Tennessee has a law banning the chemical spraying of the sky. But it is not being enforced at all and the spraying is almost daily. 11 other states have Bills to including: Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina and South Dakota. Would you like to join with me and create a 12 state coalition to all be on the same page? And actually stop the poisoning?
If Tennessee can add enforcement to their law, and that means money spent, then possibly TN can catch one of the culprits. Order it to land, for example at Knoxville Airport for violating TN Law SB2691. The TN National Guard and other authorities to arrest the pilot and media to film the arrest and the equipment, the nozzles, tanks of chemicals. That one arrest would send a serious message to the Chem-Trail Cabal. And may just stop it. In any case there must be a massive public relations campaign in TN and the other states to educate the public about their Bills and Law and weather modification and the poison falling from their skies on them, on crops. The citizens must police their skies and report the poisoning. We all need to get the Flight Tracker 24 App on our radiation devices we call Cell phones. And learn how to use it. Myself included.
Leave a comment if you’d like to help stop the genocidal poisoning and weather warfare and join a committee to unite us all especially those on those committees in the 12 states that wrote Bills, to make sure they become laws that have the ‘teeth’ of enforcement. We can form a committee and get it done! That’s the American Spirit in Action. For only United Action can stop it. Thank you and God Bless.
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