Analyze This Photo of Iconic Sunset Blvd. One of the First Photos Taken Jan. 9 2025 From a Camera Taped to a 30 Foot Pole. This Photo Tells a Horrific Story Doesn't It? A Totally Different Physics.
It's been since Lahaina since I've written. Los Angeles has been the victim of a Direct Energy Weapon Attack. It is obvious. The same pattern as Lahaina.
Porcelain toilets take 3500 degrees to melt. Glass 2500 degrees. Way too hot for any forest or house fire. What about wood stoves? Made of iron. How hot to turn those to dust? Way way hotter than we can even imagine. Why aren't fire science people asking these questions. Some firemen are normalizing that trees don't burn up, saying they are becoming fire proof! Is it the jabs damaging the frontal lobes of the brain ? Trees burn baby, burn and fast. Pine trees are very flammable, Bay Trees way way flammable, Palms are called Flaming Torches, It is the trees that catch the homes on fire usually. Not be skipped by the fire!
Directed energy weapon used on that line of cars, probably with people in them. That's why nothing else shows the sort of damage that you'd expect from a "wild fire" that was hot enough to supposedly do that to those cars (which is sort of an IQ test right there). It's like they are trying to see how stupid people are even while killing them.
Porcelain toilets take 3500 degrees to melt. Glass 2500 degrees. Way too hot for any forest or house fire. What about wood stoves? Made of iron. How hot to turn those to dust? Way way hotter than we can even imagine. Why aren't fire science people asking these questions. Some firemen are normalizing that trees don't burn up, saying they are becoming fire proof! Is it the jabs damaging the frontal lobes of the brain ? Trees burn baby, burn and fast. Pine trees are very flammable, Bay Trees way way flammable, Palms are called Flaming Torches, It is the trees that catch the homes on fire usually. Not be skipped by the fire!
Directed energy weapon used on that line of cars, probably with people in them. That's why nothing else shows the sort of damage that you'd expect from a "wild fire" that was hot enough to supposedly do that to those cars (which is sort of an IQ test right there). It's like they are trying to see how stupid people are even while killing them.